
School Organisation

The school organisation package consists of four modules – Calendars, Meetings, Resources and Task List. These modules will help streamline school operations and assist in managing day-to-day activities.


  • Ability to select required calendar permissions of either view or view and edit

  • Various selections available for creating a repeating calendar entry or if preferred, creation of a custom entry

  • Ability to create multiple calendars and link them to each other to form a hierarchy (e.g. events, assessments, whole school calendar)

  • Events can be created automatically on the calendar from other School Bytes modules or manually entered by the school

  • iCal synchronisation option to allow staff and parents to add specified calendars to their preferred calendar client (e.g. Google calendar, Outlook)


  • The meetings module is used to record agenda items, actions and minutes for all meeting types
  • Record attendees and apologies as well as link meeting occurrences to a calendar in School Bytes
  • Specific students or staff can be tagged in meeting details to assist with tracking student mentions or staff actions
  • Meetings are created as a single entry which can then be used multiple times for each event or meeting date (series)
  • Setup recurring meetings such as staff meetings, executive meetings, learning and support meetings


       Task List

      • The task list module is used to help monitor tasks and actions relating to various school operations e.g. GA task register, WHS hazard register
      • Tasks can be created automatically based on certain triggers from other modules e.g. medication expiry date, medication quantity levels
      • Actions can be added to tasks to assist with progress monitoring
      • Ability to upload supporting documentation including files or images



          • The resources module is available to monitor booking and loaning of resources required
          • Create and manage an online register of bookable school resources (e.g. rooms, equipment)
          • Resource bookings will display in the nominated School Bytes calendar